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"Born straight into my Arms" The birth of Franklin James.

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

"Birth is such a transformative, life changing event. I feel so fortunate to have had 2 amazingly positive, beautiful births. It felt so normal to have a home birth, being in the comfort of home around loved ones. However, I know that this isn't everyone's desires. My wish is for all birthing mothers to feel comfortable and safe in whatever environment they choose to birth their babies in. "

MAMA: Jemma Pilatti @jemmapilatti

24th July, 2021

I was 41+2. Having had a full-term healthy pregnancy, I knew that baby would come when they were ready. The waiting game was a journey itself, and was filled with ample amounts of surrender, patience and trust. It was a Saturday night, and I was sitting on the couch watching a movie, eating the BIGGEST piece of carrot cake home made by my beautiful mum, who came from Perth to stay with us for a few months. Around 7:00 PM I started to feel light cramping, though didn't think much of it. I’d had the same sensation a few days earlier which subsided when I got into bed.

An hour and a half later I notice they were getting more intense. I was able to talk through them comfortably. Being my second time in labour, I knew that things could stop and start. An hour later they had dramatically increased. My midwives lived an hour away and because we were having a home birth, we wanted to give them as much notice as possible. I went and told my mum what was happening, still being very casual about what was ramping up. She convinced me to call the midwife and let her know what was happening. I probably would have waited another hour or so, however as always, mothers are eternally right! And I am very glad I listened. My primary midwife Claire said no worries, and that she was on her way over here. She would also call our second midwife to let her know. Just over an hour later they both arrived. I was still able to comfortably talk through my surges. As they got more intense, I still felt very present. I was able to communicate with everyone that was around me. A lot different to my first birth where it was very much a blur, this time round I was extremely grounded, and I remember everything that was happening around me.

As the surgeries got more intense, I made my way too the nursery, put my headphones in and just started listening to music. At this stage it was probably around midnight. I was feeling pretty exhausted from being up all day already. Also, the fact that I'd gone for a 5K walk that day, in hopes of getting things moving along didn't help! Around 1:30am the surges were getting closer together and a lot more intense. I made my way out to the living room. I remember each surge I would get my partner, Kieron, to help hold me up as I swayed through the intensity. My midwife was a god send with acupressure points. Each time I'd have a surge she would help relieve some of the pain by pressing on my lower back. I remember feeling so tired. I was consciously making the effort to talk to the baby, telling them it was safe to come now (mama was getting tired!!). By this stage I knew I was close to meeting this little baby, I just didn’t know how close, as I opted not to have internal checks.

My midwives, being amazing, have obviously been to many many births. As soon as I said, I had to go to the bathroom, they started filling the birth pool up. I knew this was a good thing! Everything was progressing and I was just hanging out to finally get into the water. Longing for that instant pain relief the water brings. The second time I had to go to the bathroom, I thought I needed to go however when I got on the toilet it was a completely different pushing sensation and I realised the baby was coming. I reached down and I could feel his head. As fast as I could manage, I got up and quickly walked straight into the birth pool. Within a few seconds I had huge sensation to push. I was really conscious this time of not over pushing, so I tried to breathe the baby out instead. Within about 5 minutes at 3:18am, our second little boy, Franklin James was born into my arms. A moment captured in time I’ll never forget.

Birth is such a transformative, life changing event. I feel so fortunate to have had 2 amazingly positive, beautiful births. It felt so normal to have a home birth, being in the comfort of home around loved ones. However, I know that this isn't everyone's desires. My wish is for all birthing mothers to feel comfortable and safe in whatever environment they choose to birth their babies in.

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